Marsilea Hirsuta ( 1-2-Grow )


A fascinating plant, usually delivered with leaves like a four leaf clover. After a transitional period
it develops different types of leaves, possibly a low form with single leaves like a Glossostigma, or
alternatively develop two, three or four-lobed leaves varying in height depending on the growth
conditions. Which ever form the plant adopts, it forms runners and spreads rapidly round the aquarium.

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A fascinating plant, usually delivered with leaves like a four leaf clover. After a transitional period
it develops different types of leaves, possibly a low form with single leaves like a Glossostigma, or
alternatively develop two, three or four-lobed leaves varying in height depending on the growth
conditions. Which ever form the plant adopts, it forms runners and spreads rapidly round the aquarium.

Additional information



Growth Rate

Level of Care

