Super Collection Layout 46 ( for 36″ – 40″ wide Aquarium )


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Aquarium Size:  200 Litre ( Approx 36-48 inches across )

The Plants in this collection are from the EASY to grow category. Experienced aquascapers as well as beginners will utilise these types of plants. Requiring a minimum of maintenance, plants can be trimmed a couple of times a year to maintain the healthy look to the set up.


A) Anubias barteri var. caladifolia. –  3 pots

B) Echinodorus x barthii. –  3 pots

C) Helanthium bolivianum ‘Quadriostatus’. –  3 pots

E) Microsorum pteropus ( java fern ) on Lava Rock.  –  2 pcs

F) Cryptocoryne beckettii ‘Petchii’ on Lava Rock. –  5 pcs

G) Microsorum pteropus ‘Windelov’ on Bankwood with sucker.  –  2 pcs

H) Pogostemon helferi. –  5 pots

( In the unlikely event any of the above listed plants are not available , we will use as near as possible replacements. )

Images: are off completed aquarium and may show hardscape rock / driftwood which are not included in this selection